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Teachers in this new system would be freed from their current roles so they can actually do something for society. This will be made possible by the standardization of lessons taught to students and the use of robots and computers to deliver the material. The standardization of lessons will guarantee the pupils will learn in a rapid and efficient manner.




In order to implement a new educational order useless majors must be identified and removed from history. Majors need to be rated based on the income of those who have graduated from the programs. Any major that does not have the potential salary of at least $50,000 will be deemed unnecessary and studies in this area prohibited.




Under this new system student will no longer have to worry about what major is best for them. All students entering universities will take a standardized test and designated a major based on the results from this test. The major assigned to them will be the statistically best fit for them and guarantee a positive contribution to society and a happy life for the student.




If students cannot keep pace with the completely redundant speed of the courses for some reason there are still opportunities available to them. These students will be able to go to trade schools which will be much less of a challenge and still allow them to make a meaningful contribution to society. If students are incapable of learning anything whatsoever the military would be the perfect solution. They would be able to protect the interests of the country without needing to go to school.

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